Creamy Panna Cotta with red berries

It’s still summer, we can still enjoy berries! And above all, it’s holidays season (at least for us…^^ I know it’s kinf of over in Finland, we have followed the French way this year!). So we want simple and refreshing desserts. One goal: as few dishes as possible and have a delightful treat at the end! With these in mind I have choosen panna cotta!! I really like the comfy and creamy texture of panna cotta… I don’t like it when it’s too solidified, not liquid either of course. It has to be not too sweet, served with fresh season fruit or in a coulis, or even with caramel. If I have leftover of full fat cream at home I make these panna cotta or the vanilla cream from the blog. I’ll give you the recipe in link here, it’s a little more work but what’s good too!
I have already told you about the french food blog Beau à la Louche, this recipe was found on this blog but the original recipe from David Lebovitz. And for me it is perfect. Declinable according to your whishes, you can choose your toppings, very easy to prepare and you can impress your guests at the end of a summer dinner.
I’m not babbling any longer (for once ^^) and I’ll leave you with the recipe.
Have a great holidays if it’s still time for you and good luck to the ones who are not on holidays anymore!

- 250 g 10% fat cream
- 750 g double cream
- 125 g sugar
- 1 or 2 vanilla pods (2 or 3 tsp of vanilla liquid)
- 6 gelatin sheets
- Fresh berries or any other fresh fruits
- Place the gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water to soften them.
- In a saucepan, mix the two creams, sugar and seeds from the vanilla pods (or the extract if you are using it). Heat the pan.
- When the cream is simmering, remove from the heat and add the well-drained gelatin sheets one by one, whisking well between each addition. Make sure there are no lumps.
- Pour the cream into verrines and leave to set in the fridge for several hours. I always make my panna cotta a day ahead to give them the time to set.
- Garnish the panna cotta as you wish with fresh fruits, homemade fruits coulis, caramel…